Approximate Costs of Surveys
The cost of a survey can depend on a number of factors including location, size, terrain and availability of survey evidence. Depending on the reason for getting your property survey, a number of products are available from our team. Below are approximate costs for our surveying services which include legal, engineering, construction surveys. Our team can also assist with land-use planning including minor variances and severances. If you aren’t sure which survey you need, contact our team and we can help you pick the right product.
Legal Surveys
Engineering Surveys
Construction Surveys
Land-Use Planning
This page is for informational purposes only and does not form part of a contract. At the beginning of the project, we will send a detailed estimate that will include the scope of work for the project and expected project costs. These are approximate estimates only, our team does not provide fixed fee quotes for services. All projects are estimated individually depending on the size of the project and scope of work.