Legal/Cadastral Surveying
We can assist you with your existing property or acquiring a new one. If you have recently purchased a property it is important to ensure you protect your investment by updating your survey.
What type of survey do I need?
Legal Boundary Surveys
A two-man crew will find and confirm all survey monuments (iron bar). If any are missing or disturbed, they will be replaced. A wooden stake will be placed beside these. This includes intermediate staking along the property line and can be done with or without a plan of survey (document to illustrate property lines and all survey monuments). The plan of survey is not deposited in a Land Registry Office.
A Title Search Report with all deed information for the subject and abutting properties will be included.
surveyors real property report (SRPR)
A legal plan of survey usually used by new property owners, sellers and realtors which illustrates all visible structures relative to the property and its property lines. Similar to the boundary surveys, physical wooden stakes will be placed along the property lines to show the property lines. This also includes a written report that will highlight the surveyors concerns/comments regarding the property.
A Title Search Report with all deed information for the subject and abutting properties will be included.
reference plans
These plans are deposited by a licensed Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS) to your respective Land Registry Office usually for severances and show a graphical representation of the descriptions including any divisions of the land. The Land Registry Office (LRO) is represented with a unique number which is included in all approved reference plans. For example if a plan is registered in Brockville it would be registered in the Leeds Land Registry office which is 28R. This plan would look like “28R-#####” when registered.
A reference plan would show the surveyed boundary and dimensions including any physical evidence that may affect the title including but not limited to location of fences, hedges, retaining walls and overhead wires in relation to the boundaries, easements or right-of-ways that are evident or registered. If your property has had a reference plan previously done, it can be purchased from Service Ontario.
A Title Search Report with all deed information for the subject and abutting properties will be included.
plans of subdivision
M-plan (Registered in the Land Titles System)
Registered Plan (RP) (Registered in Registry System)
This is another plan that would have to be registered by a licensed OLS with your respective LRO and are intended to subdivide property into two or more new parcels, units or lots and set the boundaries of these new lots for the first time. The plan of subdivision would include the surveyed boundaries, numbering and dimensions of the lots, location, width and names of streets, and the sites of future schools and parks. This does not include specific building locations.
A Title Search Report with all deed information for the subject and abutting properties will be included.
$3,000 + HST
Approximate Cost
$5,000 + HST
Approximate Cost
$7,000 + HST
Approximate Cost
$8,000 + HST
Approximate Cost
This is for informational purposes only and does not form part of a contract, prices will vary depending on the property size and the distance. At the beginning of the project, we will send a detailed estimate that will include the scope of work for the project and expected project costs. The above costs are approximate estimates only, our team does not provide fixed fee quotes for services. Our Terms of Service will be included with all estimates, estimates are not fixed fee, our projects are invoiced monthly at our hourly rates. All projects are estimated individually depending on the size of the project and scope of work.